Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What system does HEXROLL use or compatible with?
HEXROLL is using the B/X ruleset and is compatible with Old-Schools Essentials, BECMI, Holmes & Clark, AD&D, AD&D 2E, or any similar old-school variant. Other games that HEXROLL is known to work with are Scarlet Heroes, Dragonslayer, Castles & Crusades, Tales of Argosa, Through Sunken Lands, Low-Fantasy Gaming, CROWN, Black Hack variants such as Heroes & Monsters, The Black Sword Hack; and more.
What is this THAC0? Your NPC and monsters stats blocks look weird?
These are OSR-compatible stats. Use the numbers inside the brackets for the more familiar Ascending AC and Attack Modifier.
What hex size is HEXROLL using.
HEXROLL does not prescribe a specific hex size, but I currently use and recommend 6 miles from center to center.
Where can I see an overview of my sandbox?
Click the ToC button at the header of any sandbox page to get to the Table-of-Content.
Nothing happens when I click any hex in the map. I cannot get into crawl-mode.
This is likely a browser extension conflict. Specifically, Dark Reader was found to be causing this issue.
I'm trying to get into my sandbox, but end up in the "infinite void" (page not found)
If you are a Patreon-subscriber - make sure you are logged-in to your Patreon account on
I downloaded the sandbox file but nothing happens when I click it.
Download Hexroll Backpack, open the app and then choose the file from the app to view your sandbox.
How can I add an Island without it being attached to the mainland?
Click a far enough ocean hex and create the new realm using the hex menu.
Can I have smaller dungeons?
Click the 'prefer smaller dungeons' checkbox when generating a new realm.
Can I draw my own map and then generate content for it?
Unlike a hex map editor, HEXROLL is primarily a random generator. Try unlocking the map and using some of the post-generation map editing tools to see if you can get to your desired result.
Why can't my players see the dungeon areas I reveal when using the VTT?
Make sure you add at-least one token with a light-source (torch or lantern).
Is there a way to change the color of a token?
Double-click the token.
Is there a way to see which dungeon areas have monsters in them?
Yes. Click the labels toggle to get an icon on any dungeon area with a monster inside.
Can I use any hex as a battlemap?
Yes. Zoom into the hex until you see the grid-map.
How can I mark locations between sessions?
Use a map pin. Press P
when in crawl-mode to mark the current location. Only one pin is available per hex though.
Content Editing
How can I change the content of a hex?
You can often re-roll hex entities by unlocking the page, or you can directly edit the page using the integrated editor.
How can I rename a town, region or realm?
When editing the page (using the feather symbol), click the entity name in the header, edit it and press ESC.
Can I change the name of a specific NPC?
Renaming an NPC consistently across the sandbox is currently not supported, but you can rename an NPC locally by editing the page.
Help! I edited a page but I want to revert back to the original content.
Press the revert
button in the page editor toolbar.