What is Hexroll?
Hexroll is a sandbox generator. It was designed to randomize skeletal content for tabletop role-playing games.
Hexroll can work well for you if you want:
- A randomly generated sandbox with a hex map, dungeons, settlements, NPCs and plot hooks.
- Zero or near-zero game prep time.
- Terse descriptions, easy to read-and-work with on the spot.
- Enough room to improvise and fill-in the blanks.
- Content that you can peacefully sacrifice ("..that dragon just wiped out a village..").
How does it work?
Hexroll uses a random generation model written in Scroll. Scroll is a specialized language specifically designed to generate large-scale content. Hexroll uses Scroll to randomly construct a dynamic structure of entities - the entity graph. This graph contains the text and data required to represent interactive visual sandbox content that referees can use to run their games.